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I am someone who says “holiday homework ” and “friend’s lunch” or alternatively “tough classes to attend ” and “games period” when I get to talk about my 12th grade .But as students we never feel this regular work boring ,in fact it just grows interesting day by day!!.

As students we have our priorities right.Is there a class that we bunk today? And if YES ,what reason can we give our teacher ?I know 12th grade is pretty tough and an crucial stage in a student’s life but its in the same stage that a student must enjoy and cherish his/her last moments of school life with their teachers and friends.There are many students who come into 12th  grade and whine about its difficulty and the “stress” they have to endure!!To be frank and honest its not the subject that makes it complicated but its them !! Even I as a 12th grade student felt hopeless and dejected almost  the whole time of my 12th grade.

There are two treasured and most happiest moments of a 12th grader’s life, one is  “when the teacher forgets to ask about their project or homework ” and the other is “when their parents forget to inquire about their marks;)”!!!! A 12th grader’s life is like a boat journey ,you have to enjoy the trip as much as you can but you have to be careful at the same time or else you will go deep down into the sea!!.

After all this enjoyments and happiness with our second family “our school” there comes farewell  for us the 12th graders from our beloved teachers and juniors.This farewell will be carved in the saddest memories of each and every 12th grader in this world !! Richard Bach(american writer) once told “Don’t be dismayed by goodbyes .A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.And meeting again after moments or lifetime is certain for those who are friends”.


2 thoughts on “LIFE OF A 12th GRADER !!

    LynAn said:
    May 14, 2015 at 5:55 am

    Well said! I remember enjoying the most during my 12th grade and made many memories. Now it’s been four years but I still miss school! I’m glad you had a good time too!

    Liked by 1 person

      assiv19 responded:
      May 14, 2015 at 5:58 am

      those are days I am definitely going to miss


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